P.S. Happy 20th Pork Filled Productions!

Monday, March 05, 2018

I didn't get a chance to get this up before but wanted to make sure and post up and wish the Pork Filled Productions a Happy 20th!

Pork Filled Production celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a special, free anniversary party for PFP and a few hundred of their closest friends, March 25, 2018, 2 to 4 pm, at the upper level of the Theatre Off Jackson (409 7th Ave. S., in Seattle’s historic International District.

From its sketch comedy origins as Pork Filled Players to its current incarnation as a geek genre theatre, Pork Filled Productions will showcase its status as one of the oldest Asian American theatres in the Pacific Northwest with a celebration saluting both new and old.

“We’re unveiling a spiffy new mission statement and a new set of producers,” says Executive Producer (and co-founder) Roger Tang. “As well, we’re taking time to celebrate Maggie Lee as outgoing producer, who’s been such a major part of PFP as a producer, head writer for our sketch comedy shows and scripter and playwright for our award winning steampunk plays.”

Admission for the party is free, but RSVPs for the snacks, drinks (hosted by Theatre Off Jackson)) and entertainment is appreciated (oink@porkfilled.com and https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3353343).

Pork Filled Productions produces and develops genre plays, promotes Asian American and POC artists, and imagines fantastical, inclusive, and FUN universes. PFP envisions a bright universe informed by diverse experiences and perspectives populated by larger-than-life characters in worlds where everyone’s story can be told.

Been A Bad Blogger...But I'm Releasing Cool Projects?

Monday, March 05, 2018

So many great projects I'm working that I've been a bad blogger - and maybe I'll talk about some of them here, but for now - slowly getting my head out of the woodwork with more posts to write.

From Frances McDormand To Chloe Kim

Monday, March 05, 2018

Are you kidding me?

One of the best parts of the night (outside Jordan Peele and all the great speeches from so many great actresses taking center stage) was McDormand's speech which in part had this in it:

“I think this is what (Olympic snowboarder) Chloe Kim must have felt like after she did back-to-back 1080s.”

Chloe Kim mentioned on the Oscars.

Drop the mic.