I'm not really sure what else to tell you to get your ass on down to this event other than the fact that if you're single (or maybe not - but that's none of my business) that who knows - you might just meet the militant, soft spoken, grungy, semi spiffed up love of your life.
But that's only if you need another incentive to go this already incredibly sounding kick ass event.
The Asian Pacific Islander American Spoken Word Poetry Summit 2011 takes place in the Twin Cities August 4-7! It is a biennial gathering of Asian Pacific Islander American community artists and activists.
The Summit is a space intended specifically for artists and activists who self-identify as Asian American, Asian, and/or Pacific Islander. These definitions are inclusive of West Asian (Middle Eastern), South Asian, LGBTT and Multi-Racial peoples.
You do NOT have to be a spoken word artist to register! If you are an APIA community member who is interested in arts and activism, you'll love the Summit.
Registration is required for all events except Saturday's show, which we will sell public tickets for. *But* if you register, the cost includes *all* Summit events including Saturday's big show!
Here's what the $25 registration gets you:
*Admission to all three Summit showcases
*Admission to all Summit workshops and plenaries
*Admission to the two after-parties featuring food, wine and beer cash bar, and music by DJ Nak!
The Summit includes workshops, performances, and participation from Lawson Fusao Inada, Brenda Wong Aoki, Joe Kadi, David Mura, Beau Sia, Regie Cabico, Parag Khandhar, Kelly Tsai, YaliniDream, Robert Karimi, Ed Bok Lee, Tou Saiko Lee, Guante, Juliana Hu Pegues, San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Jane Kim, Christy NaMee Eriksen, Catzie and Michelle of Yellow Rage, DJ Nak, Sahra Nguyen, Bao Phi, Giles Li, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, and many, many more.
REGISTER! https://www.loft.org/summit-registration
If you'd like to volunteer for Summit in exchange for free registration, please contact Eva at evalynnsong@gmail.com
For more info, go to apiasummit.com
Primary Collaborating Partner: the Loft Literary Center
Co-sponsors: The Jerome Foundation, Council of Asian Pacific Minnesotans, Coffee House Press, The Saint Paul Foundation, The University of MN Asian American Studies Program, In Progress, MacPhail Center for Music, Metropolitan State University, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, Kaotic Good Productions, Hmong Arts Connection
Community Partners: Mizna, Mu Performing Arts, Center for Hmong Arts and Talent
This activity funded, in part, by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.
Don't blame me if you don't find that love of your life - and especially don't blame me if you don't get your tickets.
P.S (x2)
And if you do find someone who you thought was the love of your life but they really weren't and you just got a case of the Oh My God I Can't Believe I Fell For That Line And Even Though It Was Pretty Good It Wasn't Worth A Trip To The Clinic - well - that's not my issue either.