Maybe this is just a child actor thing - but I wonder how come I can't find the name of the actual girl that plays Charlotte's adopted Chinese daughter in the Sex and the City movie and why she's not listed in the credits.
Doesn't she matter?
On another note, somehow it just seems apropos that one of the characters would get herself a new shiny baby direct from Asia - because it's kind of like a handbag you know? I nice accessory to the family because that's like Charlotte's character isn't it? Someone who likes a nice doll that she could show off to her friends?
A supposedly smart, well mannered Asian China Doll? And she might even play piano too...
I know it's a tough line to tow, but when are people choosing children for the sake of children and when are they objectifying Asian kids as Asian memorabilia?
Why not a white kid from NYC? Why did Charlotte have to get a kid from Asia?
I get tired of hearing about people who simply want to get kids from Asia or elsewhere versus looking in the U.S. - it gets old. It gets tired. It keeps on making you wonder why white people want to choose from the Asian persuasian versus in their backyard, and the only conclusion you can come up with is because they must think Asian kids in those "third world" countries need a helping hand from some white people and at the same time, they'll be really nice and submissive too.
It's kind of like killing two birds with one stone I guess. They get to feel good about themselves and they get a little Asian "prince" or "princess".
Either way, it would be nice if the nameless Asian kid could get some name recognition.
Update: Check out my friends over at Disgrasian who found out who she was.