P.S. I'm Really Behind On Email...

Friday, December 22, 2017

Errr....it seems I've been pretty bad at email over the last month or so....give it time they said?


That's it.

Your regularly scheduled program will resume (most likely on another channel).

100 AZNS Of 2017, Celebrating Asian America, And A Humble Thank You

Friday, December 22, 2017

A team of awesome people including Leah Nichols (Creator & Designer) and Contributors Vicky Chao, Elisa Gyotoku, Suejean Kim, Lindsay Meyer, Binh Nguyen, Maddie Raffel, Andrew Stenson, and Diana Wu--created a new list, based on The Root 100, documenting and showcasing "the immense talents, creativity, and leadership among Asian Americans in 2017". Here's the full description:

100 AZNS is here to document and showcase the immense talents, creativity, and leadership among Asian-Americans in 2017. Heavily influenced by The Root 100, 100 AZNS was born out of initial skepticism that enough Asian-Americans could even fill a list. The result was the compilation of a wildly long list of many hundreds. The following represents only a selection of many who are putting in the work, livin their best lives, and inspiring positive change. Congratulations to this year's 100!!

Here's a link to the PDF for download and here's the link again to the list page.

A Humble Thank You (For The Full List)

There are some great people on this list (all of them) and all absolutely deserve to be on it and have done a lot in 2017 for the Asian American community (and throughout their whole lives) just by doing what they do and being who they are. Check out the list using the links above (as my screenshot is not great...) and you'll see and recognize a lot of people and hopefully you will be exposed to new people in our community too, and be able to read descriptions about some of the things they've done this year!

You know, putting lists together isn't easy. And putting a list together that also looks great with some great design aesthetics? It takes time. It takes effort. And I can only imagine the decisions in whittling down the list.

A big huge thank you for the team who put this together.

And yes - even if it didn't have me in it - I'd still say it - because it's an awesome list.

A Little Surprised

I am humbled and honored that I was even thought of for this list - and I still can't help but wonder if maybe there was a mistake and it got out before a final edit. But, simply because of the alphabet, you will see me in this list at the beginning - and all I can say (except for another thank you) is that thank damn goodness that I only have so many pics out there, and that I at least look somewhat like I won't break any cameras or computer screens...

Thanks again to everyone who put this together and for making visible so many great Asian Americans in such a cool way (because the lettering, the colors, the fonts - the content of it - all of it - it really is amazing)!

...It Seems George Takei Isn't A Serial Molester After All (Whew!)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

If timelines play into anything - because of what we've already seen - they would suggest that with no more accusations, George Takei is not a serial molester - and I for one am at least breathing a little easier. I'm not gonna say everything is perfect - because there's still that first one - but given the one only - most likely it'll be chalked up to a number of different things (misunderstandings, different recollections, maybe just non-belief overall).

At 80 and with everything that Takei has already done, I don't think this will affect the way he's looked at as much as it could for someone like Al Franken. I don't know if he's going to be offered a plethora of space anymore, and there will always be a mention, or at least a footnote, concerning the allegations - but if you asked me if he could "survive" it - which is an ironic way to think about the terminology - because victims survive - I'd say yes.


I just don't think enough people put out what they normally might have on this topic for anyone else, just because he was George Takei. I have to wonder the reasons for it - and I can take guesses - but in the long run - no matter what the reason I just don't think it's as beneficial to stay quiet. I think you have to talk about in a public forum no matter how big or small. If the Asian American community can't talk about something like this in fear of rocking the boat and giving up what's become good - it just plays into the system that already said our words weren't good enough to send a White Man to jail.

Call me crazy.

From Sen. Mazie Hirono On The President

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The only way to stop this president who has a narcissistic need for attention, he’s a masogynist and admitted sexual predator and a liar. The only thing that will stop him from attacking us—because nobody is safe—is his resignation.

R.I.P Ed Lee, San Francisco's First Asian American Mayor

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


The mayor died at 1:11 a.m. at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Former Mayor Willie Brown said Lee was shopping at his neighborhood Safeway at 625 Monterey Blvd. when he suffered a heart attack. He was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

“It is with profound sadness and terrible grief that we confirm that Mayor Edwin M. Lee passed away on Tuesday, December 12 at 1:11 a.m. at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Family, friends and colleagues were at his side,” his office said in a statement.

Board of Supervisors President London Breed became acting mayor of San Francisco following Lee’s death, in accordance with city charter.

“Our thoughts are prayers are with his wife Anita, his daughters Tania and Brianna, and his entire family,” Breed said at a news conference outside the hospital early Tuesday.

Read more down @ http://www.sfexaminer.com/san-francisco-mayor-ed-lee-dies-age-65/

Seoul Searching Goes To Netflix - Oh Yes!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

From The Seoul Searching FB Page:

Dear friends, I'm proud to announce that SEOUL SEARCHING the Movie is finally making its world premiere in over 100 countries! Please spread the love. Thank you!
PS. Blu Ray coming in early 2018 — with Uatchet Juch, Nekhebet Kum Juch, Jessika Van, Rosalina Hannah Lee, Teo Yoo 유태오, SeongJin Esteban Ahn and Crystal Kay (クリスタル ケイ).


From Mazie K. Hirono of Hawaii On Al Franken

Thursday, December 07, 2017

We have been in touch with each other. It’s been difficult because I consider Al a friend. I’ve sat with him in two committees, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. We’re at the point where I think that there can be a cultural change in terms of how women are perceived and treated in this country. This kind of bad behavior has been tolerated and ignored for far too long, but not today.
