I'm just going to break this one down because I feel like it should be broken down, even if not all the way, because I just have to roll this one up and smoke it - even if I come back to it later on ('cause sometimes you just have to save a little).
Maybe I'm wrong and generalizing on this one but I feel like Asian women, on Asian women, can sometimes be the harshest of the harsh, on Asian women.
I'm not saying that's wrong - because of anyone gets to be harsh on Asian women, it's Asian women - I'm just saying.
Sometimes I do hear the "Why does she have to be blond? Why's she trying to have the White Woman hair? Why can't she just be who she is?"--and I'll concede that at times, I can ask this question myself - but honestly - only in some cases, and usually, only after I hear an Asian woman comment on it.
My take is that White Women get to color their hair all the time. Why can't Asian women color their hair too?
Just because it's blond does that mean it has to be bad?
I mean I get it too and I love the beautiful black and brown hair of my people, and I understand the ropes of colonization we must unwrap ourselves from, but sometimes, I feel like the hair color is just a little difference.
Sometimes a rock is just a rock.
I like pink and red too btw - or steaks, or tips.
And--is it okay for an Asian woman, to like a White Woman's style, and emit portions of that, or make it their own?
Is it being colonized?
Or is it appreciation?
Or - does it have nothing to do with them anyway?
I should also say - you hear Asian guys rap on this (myself included) - so it does cross over - and then that gets me thinking about how I don't hear the same criticism of Asian guys who do a little blond in their hair, and that begs the question of why do we question one more than the other?
Hmmm....more to think about.