Post Archives: And The College Sport With The Most APIAs Is...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I was reading this article at the Guardian a few days ago and while interesting, I wanted to check out some of the stats myself at the NCAA site in part because it seemed like women were excluded from the stats and I wanted to see those numbers, and I was also curious what the other other sports looked like.

Here’s a screenshot of two grids, for total numbers and percentages, from the NCAA database for all sports for 2016-2017:

Total Numbers


*Depending on how we qualify the word “most”, in this case a few items standout (according to the way I am ranking them):

1. By percentage, apparently APIA college kids are making their impact felt in the world of fencing at 19% for men and about 17% for women. This is followed by squash with 9.2% for men and 10.6% for women, gymnastics with 10% for men and 5.4% for women, and tennis with 6.1% for men and 5.9% for women.

2. By sheer numbers including male and female students (even if there is not a program for women) Tennis (997) wins out, followed closely by Swimming (995), and then Outdoor Track (988), Football (967) and Soccer (962) respectively.

3. While squash is fairly high in percentages for the Asian American in APIA, apparently the Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander portion of APIA would rather play rugby (with percentages of 3.2% and 2.3%).

4. Who knew bowling was making a comeback? Although maybe I just haven’t been paying attention…

It is fairly easy to see why you don’t see as many Asian Americans in professional sports like football or basketball if you look at percentages alone– but it’s also legitimate to ask the question of if stereotypes and internalization of those stereotypes, and the racism that typically comes along with them, play a part in what specific sports young APIAs become engaged in.

*Note that percentages and totals are added from the “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander” columns.

Post Archives: From Rep. Ted Lieu With Love (Well...Not Really)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


In the bid to represent New York’s 27th Congressional District, off-again/on-again candidate Representative Chris Collins (who also just got indicted on insider trading charges this summer) decided to up the ante with his ad against Democratic challenger  Nate McMurray.

McMurray called the ad misleading and “xenophobic”, but Representative Ted Lieu (D) from California didn’t mince any words in his description from his tweet on Tuesday:

Dear @RepChrisCollins: Take your racist ad and shove it. You are an embarrassment to the House of Representatives.

For folks who get angry after watching the racist ad, go to @Nate_McMurray website at and help Nate.

And in a NY Times article on Wednesday Lieu had this to say:

This is an issue that has affected the Asian-American community, and for Chris Collins to do this is wholly unacceptable […] He is playing to racial stereotypes that have been particularly hurtful to Americans who happen to be of Asian descent […] I would call him a racist to his face the next time I see him and ask him to take the ad down.

Sometimes we do have to “wordsmith” to get our point across depending on the situation and the audience, but in some cases it just needs to be called out for what it is–because we also can’t be afraid to call out racism when it is in fact racist–and I’m glad to see Representative Ted Lieu call it out for what it truly was in this case.

Follow Representative Ted Lieu on Twitter and @

Post Archives: Jay Park Slays The Freestyle, The 'Soju' Isn't Great, But I'm Still Going To Ride The Yacht

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I thought the title of this post was fairly representative of everything that’s going right, as well as completely and utterly wrong with Jay Park and his ROC nation debut–which begs the question of if ROC Nation really knows what to do with him, as well as if ANY major label here in the U.S. can truly represent an Asian American or Asian music act.

If you don’t know who Jay Park is, you may not follow or listen to K-POP, or you haven’t been a fan of R&B/Hip-Hop/Rap in South Korea, as if you were, you’d probably know who Jay Park is–and that’s not a condemnation on your musical tastes (because I was never a 2PM fan)–that’s just saying (so don’t feel bad).

But you really should know him.

So if he’s new to you here’s the quick breakdown:

He left for South Korea when he was 18, went to the group 2PM, had some things go on (a little controversy), left the band, came back to the states where he grew up in Seattle, did some YouTube, blew up again in the second act (because he still had a fan base), did a movie, went back to South Korea, and the rest is history. He owns two labels, puts fans in a frenzy, and gets millions of views on his videos. He’s an artist, business man, and overall–makes some great music.

And then here’s a sampling of Jay Park (and don’t worry-there’s a reason for all of this, but homework is okay people).

#1 “All I Wanna Do”–Good beat, partners with the 1Million dance crew, it’s a great song and showcases the strengths of Jay Park. I like to call it pop r&b.

#2 A little more risque..more dance r&b. You may not like the video per se, but you can’t deny the dance moves and the smoothness of the Jay Park It Right Here.

#3 And here’s two of the hits that got him his 2018 Korean Hip-hop Artist of the year award, “Most Hated”, And “Yacht”.

#4 I’ll also throw in “Drive”.

But then you have “Soju” – the first single off his ROC Nation EP “Ask About Me”, featuring 2 Chainz.

Let’s just say it.

It’s not great–it feels too “Well this is what ROC Nation wants” versus “This is who Jay Park is”. I’m not saying it’s completely in-authentic, but you don’t get the feeling that it’s really Jay Park either, and if you’re going to rap with 2 Chains (for better or for worse), I just don’t think you can bring that song.

Nothing kills an artist debut like something that doesn’t feel authentic, or that feels too forced.

As a debut, I just expected a lot more because it’s Jay Park–but I’ve always been disappointed when the U.S. debuts come out for practically everyone.

Compare that though with his freestyle on Sway In The Morning which he completely kills, and he also steps up to the challenge of talking about style and appropriation and how he got to where he was (it’s really a great interview).

Or take his freestyle on L.A. Leakers.

How do you spit that but still come out with “Soju”?

Who green lit that song?

I am glad though to see that people are viewing his freestyles more and he’s getting out there and making the most of the rounds (which gives them a better taste in their mouth than “Soju” did).

At the same time I’m glad to see that on his new EP he’s done an English remake of last year’s hit “Yacht”, except featuring Vic Mensa.

And that the next video is one for “Sexy 4 Eva” (audio track below).

I just feel like those are more in line with the Jay Park we know.

So while I didn’t like “Soju” or think that was a great debut, I do think the direction is quickly getting changed, and hope they’ll find the right mix of what he’s famous for, but for a U.S. audience (and all audiences here) versus making him into something he’s not (and he and his label AOMG, has to take responsibility for that too from an artist and business sense).

At the end of the day, let the Asian American man shine doing what he’s supposed to do versus making him into something he’s not.

But Even If He Kills It–Does It Matter If People Still Troll With Comments Like Asian Men Still Have Small Penises?

Yes. You did read that right, because as I was reading the comments on one of the freestyle videos, I read comments like:

You could say it doesn’t matter because there will always be trolls and people that look down on Asian men and Asian America in general (and we can talk about other things from that comment too)–but I still can’t help but wonder if that type of stereotypical thinking will have an effect.

I hope not.

But I don’t know if we can guarantee it either.

Here’s to hoping the world is a better place than I sometimes give it credit for, and that the next few videos from Jay Park are something special.

Post Archives: Steven Yeun, Sorry To Bother You, And Being Hot. Kiss Me Cause I'm Steven Yeun Hot.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


This weekend I chucked the baby in the corner with some chả giò and a box of Jarts, took K-Wife by the hand, and went to see the Boots Riley movie Sorry To Bother You starring Lakeith Stanfield, Tessa Thompson, Danny Glover, Terry Crews, Jermaine Fowler, Omari Hardwick, and Steven Yeun (among others).

Honestly–while I feel bad about the Jarts “incident”, I wouldn’t take those stitches back for anything, because this was one of the best movies I’ve seen all year.

Subversive, smart, shot in a such a trippy beautiful way, social commentary galore (but with a realistic POV as well), and just an amazing cast, I truly didn’t know what I was about to see.

While you don’t see a lot of Steven Yeun in the trailer, he plays a fairly large part in the film as one of the telemarketers who is leading a revolt. And while I don’t want to give too much of the plot away–there is some Steven Yeun Kiss-Me-Because-Well-I’m-Steven-Yeun-Hot which did get me a little sweaty (and who he kisses you’ll have to wait and see–albeit I kind of saw that coming early, unlike another person, who apparently also ate a lot of the large popcorn).

And I think that’s pretty damn cool (the kiss, not the popcorn).

Anyway…I hate to cut this short…because apparently I have a CPS meeting I have to go to…so I’ll just leave you with a dreamy Steven Yeun from Sorry To Bother You.

Post Archives: When White People Go Bad: The Sandra Bullock 'Adopted Child' Edition

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Dear B.S.,

I get it.

You’re a movie star, a producer, a Hollywood elite.

You won an Academy Award for Best Actress.

You’re coming out with a new film Ocean’s 8–which btw does have some great people in it and I feel is at least more diverse than other movies (albeit I’ll hold final judgment until I see it, and I’m still wondering why you couldn’t get Angela Bassett, Halle Berry, Gabrielle Union, Kerry Washington, Queen Latifah, or Sanaa Lathan on board–but to be fair maybe you asked and they turned you down).

By all definitions of the word “success” you’ve made it in your chosen profession and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that you get what you want.

In fact, I think you’re probably used to getting what you want–and kudos to you for that because I’m not saying you didn’t work for it or you didn’t have your own struggles as a woman in a male dominated industry (however let’s also be real and say that the struggles of White Women aren’t always the same as Women Of Color and Immigrant Women and that White Women have at times, left out Women of Color and Immigrant Women, in the fight for women’s rights).

But even with all of that success, you’re still a White Woman who adopted two children of color, and whether you want to believe it or not, you come with a lot of baggage in that relationship because of White Privilege and colonialism.

The amount of money you make, the places that your kids have access to because of your status, class, and your Whiteness–they don’t allow you to recuse yourself from having to think critically, and fully immerse yourself in the questions of what you need to change about yourself as an Adoptive Parent.

You may not like that term, Adoptive Parent, that qualification, but that is what you are, in addition to being a Parent, and in addition to being an Adoptive Parent of Transracially Adopted Children.

It’s not even close to being binary.

So your calls to abolish the term “Adopted Child” in many ways doesn’t come as a surprise because it’s in line with entitled thinking.

GC: You’re active in promoting adoption, especially for kids in foster care. There are hundreds of thousands of foster kids who need homes at the moment. Is the situation getting better?

SB: Not quickly enough. Look: I’m all for Republican, Democrat, whatever, but don’t talk to me about what I can or can’t do with my body until you’ve taken care of every child who doesn’t have a home or is neglected or abused. It makes me teary-eyed [wells up]. Let’s all just refer to these kids as “our kids.” Don’t say “my adopted child.” No one calls their kid their “IVF child” or their “oh, shit, I went to a bar and got knocked-up child.” Let just say, “our children.”

I’m not saying your intent was bad, don’t get me wrong, but intent, like being colorblind, doesn’t really get you that far on the progression scale–and you can’t lump all of those situations together because they’re not the same.

Adoption is not the same thing as being in foster care. Being adopted, is not the same as having two parents who made you, using IVF or otherwise, and didn’t give you up for adoption. Transracial adoption is not the same as adoptions between members of the same race, and international transracial adoptions aren’t the same as domestic transracial adoptions.

It’s complex.

When you say that people should call Adopted Children just children, you’re erasing their history, because their life didn’t start with you. They have birth mothers and birth fathers and a history they want to know about for a variety of reasons.

When you say that people should call Adopted Children just children, you’re saying to Korean Americans who were adopted that they should forget about the fact that South Korea for a time was essentially the largest assembly line for the packaging and distribution of their own children in partnership with the U.S., making a profit.

When you say that people should call Adopted Children just children, you’re telling the Native American and Indigenous community to forget about the forced adoptions in order to assimilate them into White Culture so they could have “happier” lives.

When you say that people should call Adopted Children just children, you’re telling Vietnamese War Orphans, like myself, that we have no agency in our own history, in a country who simultaneously looked down on us as the enemy and as a people who didn’t belong, but who also thought we looked cute in those Adoption Propaganda pictures.

When you say that people should call Adopted Children just children–it’s just offensive.

This isn’t The Blind Side.

Someone doesn’t say “Wrap!” and you’re done.

This is for life (unless you’re talking about rehoming, abandonment, or abuse in the adoption system).

Taking the word “adopted” out of the lexicon of Adoption won’t make your kids any less adopted than they already are, just like it won’t take any of the insecurity you feel as an Adoptive Parent away, just like it won’t erase the fact that you’re White and they’re Black and this will have effects for everyone.

Call your kids whatever you want to, because they’re your kids.

But also remember that they aren’t just yours, and that this is the reality and complexity of adoption.

Sincerely (kind of),


Just in case you were wondering, I’ve been active in the TRA community for about 15 years serving on multiple boards and committees, learning from those that came before me and who continue to do amazing work, engaging in dialogue and discussion, and helping to push the voices and resources of adopted adults–international, transracial, and domestic. In that vein, I hope you decide to listen and at least think about some of the things I’ve said–because I don’t think you’ve gone completely bad–you’re just past your expiration date on this one.


Btw, when I addressed as you as “B.S.” I’m just giving you a little Viet style putting your surname first. I didn’t feel comfortable using your name though so I abbreviated it…can’t really help it turned out like that…sorry?

Post Archives: An Open Letter To 'Atlanta' On That Nail Salon Scene

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Dear ‘Atlanta’,

First let me say that I’ve only watched 4-5 episodes of you, but I like what I’ve watched (and honestly that probably doesn’t mean much as you’re already one of hottest shows being watched these days not really due in part to me). I also know, just like with Issa Rae’s show, it’s a Black POV–it doesn’t have to cater to, nor should it, to the Asian American population and diaspora here in the land of MAGA, where we’re all trying to get somewhere without displacing anyone else.

As others have told me when they’ve said that I needed to watch you–you are poetic. I have been engaged by the storytelling and the characters. I like the direction from Hiro Murai.

There’s been a lot to love because it really is different.

I just gotta ask though about that nail salon scene in Season 2’s ‘Woods’ episode and what was behind it, because honestly my stomach sank a little when that scene came on because I wondered how much of the same thing I was going to get.

I mean it was a nail salon with Asian American people in it and the character Ciara was just rude to everyone already…

So I naturally braced myself.

And once the scene got going, Ciara went off on one of the Asian American women because they were too hard on her Instagram toes, which in a way was the same as when she went off in the other store barking at another person who worked there (who was White).

It was within her character.

And I’m not saying she didn’t have some good lines in that whole scene either (because she did).

But then she went off completely when they started talking in Korean and about how they needed to use English, and making assumptions that if someone was talking in another language they were talking about her–and from what I was told via K-Town–it was some regular day talk.

And sure, you can say it was within her character, because she’s rude AF.

And Paper Boi didn’t say anything that time (like she did when she barked at the White guy), and maybe that was a tipping point in helping him to leave–but I think he would have stayed if Ciara didn’t take his picture and they got into the argument.

So I guess I’m just wondering why you felt the need to add that last scene in where she goes on a tirade?

Wasn’t it already enough that we knew Ciara was rude and that she was rude to multiple people? What purpose did it serve to have Ciara go off on Asian American women who she already saw as below her (and physically were) from a “server” standpoint?

There was no comeuppance.

There wasn’t a twist, even in a small way.

It wasn’t even true to form and in a lot of ways it kept the stereotypes alive of the meek Asian American woman who just complies, because in a lot of places, if you’re disrespectful like that, you’re out the door.

Nothing meek about it.

So, I’m just asking the question.


Am I missing something?

And if I’m not, and it was just you know, the way it was, can I just ask not to have any Asian American people on versus ones that are like that?


Just let me know,


Just in case you were wondering too, it’s not just me talking about this scene (and I’m not trying to get into nail salon politics either per se), and I did think it was funny how the majority of outlets didn’t pick up on this scene in their recaps.

Post Archives: Can't We At Least Get A Filipino On 'American Idol' And 'The Voice'?

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I know what you’re going to say, and I’m not saying all my FilAm brothers and sisters come out of the womb singing and playing instruments (because I can’t fathom how someone could give birth to a ukulele and a little human anyway)–but don’t tell me you’re from the greater AAPI and don’t know a Pinoy that doesn’t at least hum some shit to themselves, because that would just be disingenuous and then I’d have to call you a liar (but don’t worry, I’ll completely deny everything I’ve said here if White People ask me about it).

When a band needs a new lead singer, who do they go to for another decade of music keeping those old hits alive, but bringing in a new style and audience?

It’s a Filipino (and don’t get me started on the HOF snub for Arnel Pineda).

When you need a mashup of cover songs from The Greatest Showman?

You go to the Filipinos.

When you’re looking for someone to slay a Mariah Carey song?

You get a F-I-L-I-P-I-N-O Filipino (and come to think of it, at least half of the bands I played in during my teenage angst ridden years had Filipinos in them…).

When you need someone to light up the Grammy stage and take home some hardware?

You know what’s coming.

You get a MF Filipino (and honestly, I don’t even think the phrase “I just play one instrument” exists in the FilAm community).

I just can’t fathom how in the world a music show these days doesn’t have at least one person from the AAPI community on it during the finals, because it’s not like this should be a “specialty” item anymore. We shouldn’t have to grovel or feel so chinky thankful to see someone, anyone, from the community on a music show like ‘American Idol’ or ‘The Voice’ on regular basis. Because if I’ve shown anything, albeit completely unscientific and moderately tainted with lateral stereotypes–

We should at least be able to get a Filipino.

Post Archives: So You Took Your Mom To A Porn Convention?

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I think you have to chalk up the experience that Marvin Xin Ku had with his mom at a porn convention to the fact that he grew up in Germany (because I feel like they have the market cornered on Golden Shower videos and if that says anything it says something) paired with his parent’s conservative Chinese upbringing, which led to them never talking about sex – ultimately leading to him taking his mom to a porn convention in Berlin, to talk about sex.

Might as well just go all out.

I should note here that while I grew up in Germany, my parents were raised in a very conservative Chinese culture—sex and sexual desire were taboo for them. And it seems to me that not much has changed over the years; when I visited Shanghai earlier this year, I noticed couples in the street avoiding any kind of public displays of affection. I spotted the occasional linked arm, but strictly no kissing or hand-holding. That trip made me wonder where that prudishness comes from and how it’s kept its hold on my parents. And the best way to find out, I figured, was to start an honest conversation about sex with my mother in a place where there would be no way to escape it.

While it may not be the way I would get the conversation started, seeing Marvin’s mom holding a really large dildo (in close proximity to naked porn boobs), helping to lead a slave around (and making sure that the slave was okay – because she’s still a mom), and going through the stacks of porn at the convention –  it did put a smile on my face and apparently got the conversation started.

I say bless that woman’s soul and the things she did for her son.

To read more about Marvin and his mom’s #NSFW experience, visit VICE.

*Cover photo from

Post Archives: Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of The Slants 8-0

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Today the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the The Slants on their trademark dispute case with the federal government, and while there’s certainly more discussions that will surround the ruling (including the name of a certain Washington NFL team) – the long fight for The Slants is finally over.

From USA Today:

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that even trademarks considered to be derogatory deserve First Amendment protection.

The decision was a victory for an Asian American dance rock band dubbed The Slants — and, in all likelihood, for the Washington Redskins, whose trademarks were cancelled in 2014 following complaints from Native Americans.

While defending the First Amendment’s freedom of speech protection, the justices did not remove all discretion from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. But they raised the bar for trademark denials so that names deemed to be offensive but not hateful can survive.

From NPR:

After a federal court agreed with Tam and his band, the Patent and Trade Office sued to avoid being compelled to register its name as a trademark. On Monday, the Supreme Court sided with The Slants.

“The disparagement clause violates the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his opinion for the court. Contrary to the Government’s contention, trademarks are private, not government speech.”

The band has said it wanted to reclaim what is often seen as a slur.
“We grew up and the notion of having slanted eyes was always considered a negative thing,” Tam said in January. “Kids would pull their eyes back in a slant-eyed gesture to make fun of us. … I wanted to change it to something that was powerful, something that was considered beautiful or a point of pride instead.”

Stay up to date with The Slants down @theslants and at their band page

Post Archives: Spotify!, #APAHM, Run River North, FM, Shinoda x Hahn, Dumbfounded, And Curated Goodness

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Spotify! has teamed up with artists including Far East Movement, Run River North, Mike Shinoda and Joe Hahn, Year of the Ox, Dumbfounded, as well as Jai Wolf, Yuna, and SATICA to curate playlists for #APAHM. 

What’s great about this – in addition to the playlists and music – are some of the introductions and clips/excerpts of the artists talking about their experiences and thoughts from an AAPI perspective.

Music, playlists, and some insight – what more do you want?

Check out the playlists @ Spotify!

Post Archives: Asian American Adoptees Without Citizenship

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Joy Alessi is 50 year-old Korean American adoptee, born in South Korea, and adopted at 7 months old to U.S. citizens. She assumed like many, that she was an American citizen, but like others, found out she didn’t have citizenship. 

“From my earliest memories, I understood that I was adopted; growing up in a predominantly white culture and environment my adoptee status was never a ‘non-issue’. During adolescence, the struggles I faced as a foreign adoptee were solely emotional. In spite of my acute awareness of my minority status I felt entirely American and believed I identified with my peers yet understood that I was perceived differently.

The practical challenges of my citizenship status began at age 15 when I intended to travel overseas on a youth mission trip. Unbeknownst to me, my mother had never filed post adoption Naturalization papers and instead of correcting it then, she simply prevented me from taking the mission trip. I recently discovered that she had contacted the adoption agency during that time, yet failed to take further action. She did let me know that I was not a naturalized citizen but explained that the only repercussion was the lack of a formal birth certificate. As a young adult, I grew accustomed to carrying around my adoption decree as a means for all necessary identification. This was particularly taxing because my name was changed during the adoption but not recorded properly. Instead of redrafting the documents, my adoptive father hand scribbled through the error on the final decree, forcing me to rely on the leniency of individuals who questioned its validity.”

It wasn’t until later in her twenties that she learned first-hand that she wasn’t a naturalized citizen.

“At age 25, married with two children, I applied for a U.S. passport to take a vacation to Mexico and was denied by the Texas U.S. Passport Bureau. I was shocked to discover my lack of citizenship; I thought any citizenship issues would have been resolved through my marital status. It was incredibly stressful and confusing, and I had very few resources at my disposal.

I immediately followed up with Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) who confirmed my Legal Permanent Resident status (LPR) and requisitioned an updated Alien (Green) Card, which had not been done since my arrival into the U.S. at 7 months old. INS further directed me to the Korean Consulate for passport services. Navigating through the Korean passport application process was especially difficult given the forms then, and are still currently only available in Korean. The Consulate employees were not helpful and treated my inability to communicate in Korean as an egregious error. After employing a translator who sifted through my Korean documents, I was finally able to submit my application and received a ROK Passport. For subsequent Passport renewal, I was required to repeat this process every four years until two years ago, when the ROK changed the term to ten years. At present, I am considered a Korean Citizen living abroad with full ROK status.”

How has it affected her family and friends?

“The impact of my citizenship status is primarily absorbed by myself and my current spouse, which I find ironic since I obviously did not petition for, or broker my adoption. The problems, fees for applications, fees for services including legal advice, have fallen on me throughout. My adoptive parents have not contributed and remain reticent over their responsibility in this matter.”

What would citizenship mean to her?

“Acquiring citizenship would open the door to opportunities that have been excluded from me, although realistically, as the years have passed, my life course could not recover some benefits such as a long-term career pursuit through academic financial support. Nonetheless, equally significant benefits to me through U.S. citizenship are employment opportunities, tax benefits, current real estate incentives and future real estate/or survivor benefits, future social entitlements, civic rights, and retirement benefits to name a few. Additionally, acquiring U.S. Citizenship will provide peace of mind knowing I will never face separation from my adult son with special needs.”

What about citizenship for those that have arrest records (which has been a sticking point in getting laws passed including the Adoptee Citizenship Act which failed to be turned into law during the last legislative session)?

“When an adoptee’s citizenship is properly handled by the counties, agencies, and citizens who broker, arrange, and receive payment for, is the child then legally deportable for any reason (other than defection or treason)?”

For more information on what you can do to support all Asian American adoptees to have citizenship, visit

Post Archives: Thanks For Nothing NBC Asian America (Because Nothing About 'Miss Saigon' Is A Top Asian American Video)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Dear NBC News Asian America,

First, let me say that you do some good work – I’m not trying to say you don’t, nor am I personally saying anything about any of your writers – Viet Daddy here isn’t going to get all ad hominem on anyone – but I think there’s a little issue when you have a blatantly racist POS show set in the dreams of White People as one of your featured “TOP ASIAN AMERICAN VIDEOS” without any mention of the controversy surrounding it.

Did you just forget?

Or is it a symptom of corporate White Washing (because wasn’t that video with Eva Noblezada and Alistair Brammer from TODAY earlier this month)?

Or perhaps maybe an editor just didn’t get enough oxygen to their brain because they wanted to see how many tapioca pearls they could fit up their nose before they pressed enter during the approval process (I would go with this one because I think we could all understand that)?

Or maybe you just don’t give a fuck about Viets, Viet War Orphans, the families left behind, or just the simple history of this “show” (and yes, AP style dictates I do actually use the word “fuck” in that sentence – albeit not in all caps because that would just be crass and I at least like to have a modicum of decency).

I mean really – what’s your defense?

And just for the record I did search out the recent articles on “Miss Saigon” you have which returned the following:

And no, they don’t bring up any of the controversy for this current run – the run you’re promoting.

But you already knew that right?

I really would go with the Tapioca Pearl Defense

Post Archives: Screw You Power Rangers. Screw You.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Sure I might seem a little sore about this and sure it’s great that there’s such a diverse cast, and I’m gonna keep this short – but are you MF’ing kidding me?

You couldn’t find one Asian American actress to play Trini Kwan? You took a role originally played by the late Thuy Trang and couldn’t fill it with someone who’s Asian American?

I’m sure Becky G is great in the movie and all – but how does she play a Kwan?

And no – it’s not the same thing because POC is not POC is not POC.

And yes, if one of my LatinX friends said the same thing about an Asian American in a LatinX role I’d be obliged to say nothing.

Because I couldn’t.

Post Archives: 'This Is Us' Gets Some Things Right But They Also Have A Little Bit Of An Asian American Issue

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I’m not saying I haven’t binged watched the Mandy and Milo out of this and I’m not saying that it doesn’t get a lot of things right from an Orphan and Transracial Adoptee perspective – they go places where they absolutely should – and yes – I do like the fact that they also back-filled the story of William so we can understand his journey versus just a black man who dropped his kid off at a fire station.

So kudos to them for trying to show the complicated issues and sides of “the triad”.

But – I have to ask a few questions:

1. Who decided to make Randall – who we mostly love – break out in Ching Chong with the phrase “No Dumplings For You!”? Definitely not needed and I guess in some ways it fell on deaf ears – but Ching Chong is Ching Chong and when there’s no recourse (because silence doesn’t always mean deaf ears) it’s still Ching Chong – and even if there is recourse – it’s still Ching Chong.

2. Really? Randall hasn’t gotten to know any Asian Americans from the adoptee community? With all the data-mining and focus on finding his birth father – and just being the way his character is – I find it a little hard to believe he hasn’t run across at least a few from a resource perspective – especially considering the number of Asian American adoptees in the U.S.

And don’t get me wrong – this is a scenario of adoption and I love the family dynamics and love Randall’s character overall – but you have to ask yourself a little bit of a question in why they decided to go the way that they did with the family makeup that they did. Transracial Adoption is just too heavy with some Asian American characters?

3. Where are the other Asian Americans btw? A doctor or nurse here and there – and in the latest episodes – someone new: an adversary for Randall (or at least that he perceives) who’s competing for his accounts. Nothing wrong with some competition being written into the show, but I do find it interesting that in a show which at its heart is supposed to be about diversity (and you know someone writing/producing/starring, etc. is saying to themselves that this is an important show because of it) – Asian Americans are once again left out of the picture OR we’re being put into the same roles as before – medical and “Hey – I’m nice but I may be here to steal your job. And btw – I’m South Asian too.”

Combine #2 with #3 and the Ching Chong of #1 and in some ways I can’t help but feel that Asian Americans are getting washed out of a world we’ve been a part of for generations, and that we’re also just getting some of the same treatment that we’ve always been getting.

The saving grace would be if Sterling Brown’s character Randall would find out that Hari Dhillon’s character (Sanjay) is also an Asian American who’s from the TRA community and maybe they learn some things from each other OR they just start adding us into the story-lines, versus washing us out of it.

I’m still going to be watching to see where the plot goes, but if I hear one more Ching Chong, or they go for a while without introducing more Asian American characters at least in some form – I’m out because at the end of the day – there’s a lot of stories and voices coming from the TRA community who get it right.

Post Archives: When White People Go Bad: The Garrison Keillor Edition (AKA Your Trắng Prairie Nhà Companion)

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


Dear WFC,

First, I just wanted to say that you’re kind of obtuse and obese, and while you might think that’s a little ad hominem and that I’m fat shaming you, I’m really just talking about your outer inner White Fat Cat that elicits inane English phrases like what you recently wrote in the Washington Post:

Meanwhile, the Democrats wander in the woods, walking into trees. A wealthy San Francisco liberal is reelected as minority leader in the House, having flung millions into the wind and gotten skunked in 2014 and drubbed this fall, and a lackluster black Muslim congressman from Minneapolis is a leading candidate for chair of the Democratic National Committee, the person who will need to connect with disaffected workers in Youngstown and Pittsburgh. Why not a ballet dancer or a Buddhist monk?

The word erstwhile comes to mind because I feel like you’re supposed to be retired eating vittles and lutefisk sitting on your WFC bottom waiting to die with interim spells of nodding off while you lick yourself…

But wait wait – don’t tell me!

Did you just feel the need to throw a little old WFC racist shade on the first Muslim American to be elected to the U.S. Congress (and the first Black Man elected to the U.S. House in Minnesnota) because you don’t think he can connect with disaffected White Voters even though he’s “been racking up powerful endorsements since announcing his bid for DNC chair last month, and notably owns the support of the AFL-CIO, which represents some 12 million union workers across the country”?

Or was it because you feel like we should pander to the lowest common denominator? Win at any cost? Fold versus fight?

To go back to the days of your beloved Lake Wobegon where I don’t think Asian Americans or anyone else without White genotypes and phenotypes existed?

Ahh…it was easier back in those days wasn’t it?

Racism didn’t exist. There weren’t any of those nasty BLM groups making trouble, and for sure, us chinky bastards knew our place didn’t we?

Yeah…I think you should go back to licking yourself while you think about another crappy book to write (and yes – now I’m being a little ad hominem).

Not Guy Noir

Post Archives: I Love You Jerry Hsu

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


As a life long skater, I just like to see good skating, and unlike other sports, seeing POC and Asian Americans at the forefront isn’t something I have to wait to see. It just is. This B-sides video of skate legend Jerry Hsu from Thrasher and Emerica shows what exactly goes into making a great video part (and I’m already feeling some of those falls just from watching them).

Get more Jerry down @ the ride channel and his instagram.

Post Archives: It Really Is The Sex? Insecure + Ivan Shaw + Maya Erskine + Sujata Day

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This article was originally written for the YOMYOMF blog which was closed approximately two years ago and is being re-posted here for archival purposes.


I was having a discussion online about POC and Asian American representation in media and one of the shows I had brought up was Insecure, the new Issa Rae series on HBO and how much I’m really getting into it. During that dialogue, another fan of the show replied that Insecure was “the sex” and I thought to myself –  that’s just a good way to describe it – because I never really watched Girls, and while it’s not quite the same as Sex in the City – I feel like it’s the closest thing with a POC POV on HBO revolving around relationships – and I’m glad to see us included in the show – overall.

It doesn’t mean I like everything about the Asian American characters en masse or think that they can’t give a little different POV into a few of the storylines from an AAPI perspective – specifically I’m thinking about Molly and Diane Nakamura and the relationships between Black and AAPI women and interracial relationships with Asian American women and Black men and the relationships between those men and Black women – and like with everything else there’s a fine line (because at least some of the Asian American women I know married to Black men I don’t think would want to dance down the isle to Wiz Khalifa’s “Black and Yellow” or serve drinks called “Black and Tan”) – but like all shows there’s exaggeration and hyperbole.

The fact that I’m seeing a show from a POC perspective that actually includes us on HBO – because we do exist – I’m okay with that – and I’m going to keep on watching.

A few of the faces from the show (so far)

Is it just me or is Ivan Shaw sexy as a MF? We don’t see him a lot – but he plays Justin, a teacher at the school where Issa works with kids through her non-profit job.

Sujata Day plays “Sarah” working with Issa at her job. I’m still deciding if I like her character.

Maya Erskine plays Diane Nakamura who works at the same law firm as Issa’s best friend Molly (played by Yvonne Orji) and probably has the most screen time for an Asian American on the show. I do think there’s a lot more that can be touched on between her and Orji’s character and hope they at least delve a little more into that relationship.

New episodes of Insecure can be watched on HBO @ 10:30 on Sundays