I just find it funny that both the Zuckerbergs, or Zuckerfuckers as I am calling them now (that's my free speech working its magic) don't want to work for inclusion, diversity, and equity. I guess little Mark's feelings got so hurt when he actually was doing the right thing--but couldn't handle the criticism--he decided to just be like every other Racist White Guy, supported by his apparently subserviant Asian "White" Wife.
And sure, you may not like those words, but what else do you have to say for people that uphold such crazy lies and tenets of racism, patriarchy, xenophobia, and facism?
In the Meta memo (that you can read here in full from Axios) Zuckerberg upholds such lies from the old generations like:
- We're all equal and have the same opportunities so they are ending representative goals for women and "ethnic minorities". Since it's been an even playing field since Day 1. I guess we've all been wrong.
- They will only build with the most talented people, which typically mean people who have had the PRIVILEGE of being able to be in those positions, hired, etc.--see White People, Men, White Men, et al. who like to build around other White People, Men, White Men (because it feels comfortable). I'm not saying we don't have BIPOC and immigrant power, but it's not a level playing field.
- They are also sunsetting their diversity efforts in suppliers because--see #1 and #2.
I just find it ironic that two people from groups who have been wronged with racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and anti-semitism, and who recently tried to do the right thing, would stand with the perpetrators--and those who actually don't really like them--because they'll be the first to go and get kicked out of the circle.