Binge Catch-Ups: Fresh Off The Boat + Dr. Ken

Monday, February 06, 2017

I've had to catch-up on some episodes of some of my favorite TV shows over the last week or so (as I've missed a decent amount of episodes) and ten years ago I wouldn't be able to talk about shows like FOB and Dr. Ken and the advancements I think we've made in being able to be reflected in prime-time television shows. Definitely not there yet - we've got work to do - but I was watching the last couple of episodes of Dr. Ken and the ensemble cast has really come a long way since season 1 (and I think the switch of having Allison work at Welltopia works out great) with a lot more nuance to the stories (and the fact that they've been given the time to work together is great and hopefully they come up for renewal next season). With FOB - there's just so much there to love there - and it's a pretty straight comedy in that way but that deals also with some interesting topics at time - and the reflective nature with race and being an immigrant, and Asian American - to look back on history in that way - it's something special to watch.

Good TV.