6 Days Left: Help Make Radical Cram School Season 2!!!!

Thursday, January 03, 2019

If you saw the first season (and isn't it great that you can say "season") - help fund SEASON 2!

They are less than $6K away from their goal and there's about a week left for the fundraising campaign.

Do it!!!

After a successful first season, we’re ready to make more progressive, heartfelt, humorous content for kids! Season 2 of Radical Cram School tackles even bigger issues our children must navigate: consent, gun violence, undocumented immigration, emasculation, and civic participation. We'll create content to encourage young Asian Americans to be allies to social movements like Black Lives Matters and the fight for Gender Justice. We'll take a deeper dive into understanding hate crimes and discrimination with a focus on Islamophobia and kids with (dis)abilities. We'll create content that includes the experiences of South Asians kids; and we'll create content for Asian American boys to be aware of toxic masculinity and learn how to radically support girls and women. We also will invite children who didn’t get represented in Season 1 in our future episodes: Muslim kids and kids with (dis)abilities to share the multiple intersections involving Asian American identity.

More music videos! More puppets! More Aunties, Uncles, and non-gender conforming mentors! We'll keep our fun, colorful aesthetic and add some new surprises! Plus, our curriculum will be meticulously developed with co-producer, Dr. Theodore Chao, Professor of Education at Ohio State University, and his team of early childhood educators.

Help us make a revolutionary web series. Help us make Season 2 of Radical Cram School a reality.

Check out the campaign for SEASON 2 in full at Seed And Spark and help make the production a reality!