Puerto Rico + Our President Sucks Ass. And Not In A Good Sexually Stimulating Way, But In A Creepy Pervy I Don't Want You To Lick It Sort Of Way

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Even this feels too low...for anyone.

I mean how do you even do this?

How do you GASLIGHT the deaths of 3000 BROWN PEOPLE?

What's next the Holocaust didn't exist?

Yeah...they just put any person who died in that number...nothing to do with a hurricane....that wasn't dealt with great...because our President of the U.S. talks about Puerto Rico like this:

I know, I know, I'm just a sensitive chinky brown man drawing conclusions....

I know...don't make anything out of the paper towels either...

He was just having fun and trying to uplift spirits...like being at the carnival....

Except in a catastrophe....

And it's not like he slammed Puerto Rico itself, for trying to take care of itself after hurricanes...it was more like tough love right?

Don't take handouts.

Pull yourself up by yourself.

The government can't give it all to you...they already give so many "entitlements"...

Hmmm.....brown people, immigrants, different languages, hmmmm....seems to sound familiar...