My Random Invention #0.054 For 2015: The Poetic Form "Bốn"

Monday, January 05, 2015

I figured I'd just do some inventing every now and then this year because why not? I have some time on my hands and anyone can be an inventor. There's no inventor license. No inventor final exam or thesis. You just have to invent something. I'm not sure if what I'll invent (or even if you could call them inventions) will be useful, but you know, it's not like anyone else can't go out and invent something else, maybe more useful, or better, or things like that...but that's beside the point...

Here's my invention - the poetic form called "Bốn" with an example below:


Their it goes,
Round and round nobody nose,
The ball is as white as flower,
Everyone preys it's their number and no won* wants to go home.

*Won is the currency of South Korea

The form consists of a 4 line stanza where each line has to have one homophone which is the incorrect usage, with the last line having two homophones (of incorrect usage). One of those two homophones in the last line has to be either a homograph, homonym, or homophone with a corresponding word in another language. Optional asterisk and reader note. No other limitations.


That's it...I guess...

Invention #0.054 done for 2015 and I did it without pants (don't worry, I was wearing underwear and a robe).

Here's to hoping I can make myself fly by using two pieces of cardboard and some duct tape...

Invention #0.107 here I come...