If you wanted to know how many times Asian Americans get mentioned on the Issues: Bernie Sanders on Racial Justice page (http://feelthebern.org/bernie-sanders-on-racial-justice/) here it is:
Comparing median weekly salaries from the U.S. Population Survey in 2013, we see that a median black male earns 75.1 cents for every dollar a median white male earns. A median Latino male earns only 67 cents. According to the same data, a median white woman makes 78 cents compared to a white male, and black and Latina women follow making 64 cents and 54 cents, respectively. We see that the racial wage gap is large, and that both gender and race are important factors when examining the wage gap.
(On the other hand, Asian men and women make more than anyone in America, also according to the BLS — although this may be explained by the fact they have a higher average educational attainment.)
Ummm - do I even need to say anything on this?
I'm going with no.