Questions Answered From The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Investigation On Body Cameras, Video, And The Current Investigation Into The Shooting Of Map Kong

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Even though I wasn't able to uncover much from the Burnsville PD, I left a voicemail and an email for the BCA's Public Information Officer who returned answers to my questions earlier today. While I think some items could have been a little more direct (and in some ways they do illicit other questions), it is an ongoing investigation so I understand that maybe not everything could be revealed at this time (however I hope all the information comes to light at the end of the investigation).

Below are the question and answer portions of my email with the BCA's public information officer (who handles inquiries). My questions are in bold, and the responses from the BCA are in italics.


1. At this point in the investigation does anyone know how many of the body cameras, if any, were on during the shooting?

We have several different recordings from several different sources. The BCA will be reviewing all evidence in this case.

2. If there was video on the body cameras:

The cameras were operational.

a.) Have internal investigators seen this video already?

BCA agents assigned to this incident have seen all of the evidence gathered thus far, but this remains an ongoing investigation.

b.) Is there a time set for when that will be made to the public?

The BCA will follow the law and release the videos and all other public data once the case is closed as we would in any other investigation.

c.) Would there be anything stopping it from being released to the public?

What makes data from a criminal investigation public or not-public when the case is closed is defined in statute.

3. Can you offer a statement on where the investigation currently is and what the next steps are?

The BCA investigation into the incident is ongoing. When it’s investigation is complete, the BCA will present its findings without recommendation to the Dakota County Attorney’s Office for review.

[END OF Q & A]