Oh hellz yeah.
Top 15.
Gotta watch 'em.
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A list of the finalists:
DADDY DAY directed by Faroukh Virani
HIT OR MISS directed by Kristine Gerolaga
ICE CREAM DREAMS directed by Shea William Vanderpoort
LILY directed by Angela Park
NUTS directed by Leon Cheo
PAPER CHILDREN directed by Jeff Gadigan
PREY directed by Matthew King
REAL directed by Hiroshi Hara
SCARE ME directed by Elaine Loh
SINGULARITY directed by Tom Choi
SKETCH directed by Jason M. Klein
SOCKS FOR YOU! directed by Rommel Andaya
SWING directed by Andrew Pang
THE MAJESTIC MR. JESSE directed by Lawrence Chen
WINGMAN directed by Julia Chang