I think it's still important for Asian Americans to put out their voices as bloggers, as creators of independent viewpoints - whatever that is for whoever is putting it out there.
As far as we've come there's still not representation across the board. Stories aren't being told. In mainstream media, there are still only so many outlets - so many seats to fill.
There're only so many newspapers and tv networks and projects that can be fit into a schedule.
Publishing houses can't publish everything. News outlets don't have the space or the energy to produce every piece of content. Social media sites like Facebook don't index or register in open Web searches the opinions and the diatribes of most posts and voices as they are between friends and family (however powerful the tools in sharing and SEO remain--but that's a different topic altogether).
Even Twitter which is more of a public platform than Facebook, doesn't allow for the context that longer form content provides. I think there's absolutely a place for it, and it's more open than a FB. And while I'm a lover of photography, there's still only so much you can say in a picture.
I think blogging has, and will always fill those voids.
And they provide a historical context. In this blog's case, older articles, whether for reference or just never read before by someone new - they serve a purpose, because of the platform and ability to have a longer form of content that can also be found by anyone searching the Web.
Because it exists - much like a library - with the tenet of being open and accessible in part because of standards based technology.
That's why services like Medium emerged. That's why Tumblr still exists.
And of course Blogger.
They're tools for new voices to emerge, or for ones already in existance to keep spreading a non-singular voice.
An independent Asian American voice.