It's been a while, 2017, since I did a proper X blog posts in 24 hours for APIA month (and then I made it to 200 posts, short of the 250), and while that has passed this year without me doing anything like that (I have execuses just like the rest of you...) I thought I should see what I can do in like 4/5 hours before the new year, and while still being able to have a new year.
Obviously I didn't plan this one out, but as Nava Ravikant says (and I'm not saying I subscribe to the man's ethos)--inspiration is perishable.
And like in the past--sometimes my posts aren't long ones (maybe they should be tweets), and maybe a few will be, maybe some inbetween--so if you have any issues...
Get your own quest.
Counting this as #1.