Even though this article is about Black Women and their POV on the election I feel this: https://apnews.com/article/trump-black-women-democrats-harris-base-votecast-0c646e888c999b03d1798e1aa1331937.
I've had that conversation with others, where at times, we just need to step back and do self care.
No matter who you are, especially if it's not a part of your work/job, etc. and even then it still needs to be said--you can't go full throttle all the time.
We all need breaks.
It's okay to let another generation, or group within our own communities, take things on that we've been fighting for, but also get bruised and beat by.
Because it gets hard.
So rest up when you can and do what you can do, even if it's just tipping back a drink while you contemplate your next move, or even if there is one.