The Asian Pacific American Affairs Commission of Connecticut has scheduled a hearing on whether hate crimes and racial profiling have ended following Osama bin Laden's death.The only thing I really thought to myself after seeing this was wondering if maybe they just want to get ahead of the curve in Connecticut. I would have waited a year, but maybe that's just me.
The chairwoman of President Barack Obama's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders is scheduled to give the keynote speech Monday', titled "Post Bin-Laden: Has the Terrorism Ended? Hate crimes, racial profiling, bullying and harassment against Asian Pacific Americans."
Members of the state's Asian Pacific American community are also expected to testify before the state commission, which reports to the General Assembly, to discuss their personal experiences.
Several state lawmakers are scheduled to be on hand for the event and U.S. Attorney David Fein and Chief State's Attorney Kevin Kane.
Some people call me slow.