Don't Hate...It Wasn't Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach's Fault + Miss USA Seemed Nice Too + Of Course We Feel Bad For Columbia + What Is Germany Doing?

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

All I'm saying is that regardless of what you think about the Miss Universe Pageant, Pia Alonzo from the Philippines did win it, and it was an awkward bad moment for everyone which stole all the glory from - well - everyone. Throw the hate if you want, but it will be of no use and misdirected.

Dang though - they let Columbia get really far into the waving, looking at the audience, hanging out with the crown - I mean - they almost closed the show I think...gotta feel bad for her.

But I wouldn't have wanted to be the winner either because that didn't look so good. No matter how you cut it - at least at that moment - the optics are someone was a winner, and then they were not, and then someone else became the winner while the other one, who was not a winner, cried.

All we can do is blame the MU folks for something crazy and youtube worthy (because I didn't actually watch it) and just hope that opportunity is there for everyone.

Except Miss Germany.

I feel like she maybe had some bad sauerkraut.


Perez Hilton said that Pia deserved to win and apparently all the judges were unanimous in picking her.

I may disagree with him thinking one will have a longer career than the other, but he was there, I was not, his words speak for - well - him.