While I can't say I've been blogging up a storm lately (especially last month while on vacation) and the math can be circumspect - because there's that lost year of 2013 - I'm still around here doing this thing called blogging.
10 years.
6489 Posts (including this one).
I've met some great people. I've learned, absorbed, and just loved so much from our APIA community and beyond in part because of this blog - and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who's ever been a supporter of not necessarily me and my blogging but of the individual blogger and the individual voices that make up our community. It's important.
For those that have been reading throughout the years though, even if here and there, checking in every so often, and have supported what I try and do here - that actually does mean something. I really do appreciate it. I've never set out to be the biggest and baddest blogger or to move on up in the food chain in that way - because I've never been mainstream - and the fact that I can still get the word out here, that I can become an archive, that people still find it - I'm okay with that and I still stand by the impetus for why I started this blog - to put out another voice from the APIA community and to hype our community in the ways that I can (here and in other projects, some of which have started simply because of blogging).
To everyone in our community who's doing what they do - pushing our voices, our communities, our issues, representing us, giving knowledge, or creating those spaces to listen and learn online and on the ground - keep doing what you're doing and light the way.
250 Posts. 24 Hours
Since I can't help but feel like I've also been a little bit of a slacker lately and overall this year, and I am calling this month my 10 year start month/anniversary, I thought I'd do something fun again like in 2015 when I decided to blog 100 posts in 24 hours except this time around I'll give 250 a shot. I'm not exactly sure on the time, but definitely this weekend - either starting Friday night or Saturday morning exactly at midnight.
No kidding a store actually printed that out for me.