I have to admit that in a lot of ways I'm just not this ambitious - good thing people like Ali Najmi, who helped start up DesisVote.com are around:
For recently immigrated and recently nationalised communities in the metropolitan centres of this country, participation in local politics has more to do with achieving upward mobility and security than national campaigns. The South Asian community of New York City provides a compelling case for what a widespread and organised effort to register and mobilise voters could look like [...]Read more here, and visit the site at http://www.desisvote.org/
Believing in the importance of this potential, a team of us has started 'Desis Vote', a project under SEVA Immigrant Communities Advocacy Project. Desis Vote is focused on registering and mobilising as many South Asian voters in New York City as possible. At the moment, there is a unique opportunity to tap into the social momentum and hype created by the 2008 presidential election, as seen through the Democratic primaries, in order to create a South Asian American political voice.