From the AAWW:
Maxine Hong Kingston:More.
A Lunar New Year Benefit for the 20th Anniversary of the Workshop
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
6-10 PM
We're proud to kick off the Asian American Writers' Workshop's twentieth anniversary and ring in the Lunar New Year by featuring Maxine Hong Kingston's ambitious new memoir in verse, I Love a Broad Margin to My Life. In Margin, Kingston has built a poem animated by a soul large enough to take in the full vista of life: age and mortality; wonderful friends and loved ones, both alive and passed away; and journeys through China and America and through the languages of Hawaiian pidgin, Cantonese, and Thoreau and Whitman.
Winner of our first Asian American Lifetime Achievement Award, Kingston will read and answer questions at one of the finest Chinese art galleries in Chelsea. Prior to the reading, guests for our cocktail reception will be able to sip a signature cocktail custom-mixed in her honor and snap a photo with her in our photo booth. And after the reading, we'll be holding an intimate dinner in her honor—seating will be limited, so please reserve your seat today. Help us celebrate the Year of the Rabbit and our own birthday with one of the central writers of American letters.
@Chambers Fine Arts
522 West 19th Street, NY, NY
Btwn 9th and 10th Avenues