Watch "Vincent Who" Online For Free

Monday, June 20, 2011

Passed in from Curtis Chin and now on to you.

To honor the 29th anniversary of the death of Vincent Chin (June 23, 2011), an online version of "Vincent Who?" can be viewed for free. This limited-time offer (until the end of July 2011) is brought to you by Asian Pacific Americans for Progress (APAP) and the producers of "Vincent Who?" via a new website:

Also on the new site is the latest touring schedule for 2011-12, more research material on the Vincent Chin case and ordering information for your very own V. Chin t-shirts from blacklava.

Please note that this new site,, along with the APAP website, are the only sites affiliated with the non-profit efforts of APAP and the film's producers, including the documentary's writer/producer, Curtis Chin. Because there may be unaffiliated, for-profit sites, we encourage you to turn to and APAP.