Post #1
Asian Girl With Great Butt - 62 (All)Let's just say it together: If you decide to go out with this guy I think you just might be a tad desparate and if you'd like to argue that point I'd say you weren't just desperate but you also like to argue for no point whatsoever because apparently winning doesn't matter to you.
I am looking for a woman with a great butt who wants to be with a white gentleman. I have a good sense of humor and am well read. I like to go out and just returned from a 3 day trip. I have car and don't drink or do drugs. Please don't be shy about answering my ad. Let's meet for coffee and a chat.
Post #2
Seeking young Asian woman for ltr - 50 (las vegas)Maybe it's just me, but since this guy's a Rice Chaser he's already got a few strikes against him, but on top of that he's got bad grammar and can't spell too, and I figure if you're already a foot bindin' me so horny where them chinky ladies at Rice Chaser - you should at least have good grammar because it's true - you only get one chance to make that first impression - I know - I fuck those up all the time - but since I'm not a Rice Chaser people give me the benefit of the doubt - but if you're a Rice Chaser you don't get that benefit of the doubt - you only get one chance and even though we know you're already a dumbass at least show us you have opposable thumbs and know how to use spellcheck because I'm a pet lover and I'm not gonna beat down someone's cat who made a post on Craigslist even if it's racist because who knows - maybe the cat's just intercepting racist airwaves and needs to get it out of his system by typing.
I would enjoy the company of a young and beautiful asian woman. A mutually beneficial relationship is desired, please resond with a pic and lets chat, see if we can get this started.