If You Can't Handle A Panel Of All Black Judges On American Idol Just Don't Watch (And Then Run Outside Naked And Proclaim Yourself To Be The Racist MF You Are)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Some shit never ceases to amaze me.

TMZ, while breaking the story that flamboyant rapper Nicki Minaj might be about to join the show and that Carey just might have a bit of a problem with her addition to the panel, also noted on Tuesday that sources close to show said that producers are worried about the line-up's impact on "middle America" should the three-person panel include Carey, Minaj, and Jackson.

And in case you were wondering why they should be naked, it's just so when they get their ass kicked it'll hurt that much more.


I don't condone violence.

But it is nice to think about it?