Nisei Return To Selma

Monday, March 09, 2015

Good article down at the RFS:

Endo will be sponsored and accompanied by a delegation from the Japanese American Citizens League, the nation’s oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization.

He was born only 23 days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Despite his American citizenship, Endo and his family were uprooted from their Los Angeles home and incarcerated in Rohwer, Ark. solely because of their Japanese ancestry. They were incarcerated for over two years before moving to Ohio in 1944 with the help of the Quaker-based American Friends Service Committee.

Following the war, the Endo family finally settled in the Washington, D.C.-Maryland area, where Endo found himself the lone Asian American student in his elementary, middle, and high schools.