"Say You Heard My Echo," A Play about Spirit & Survival in the Decade After 9/11. Written by Kelly Tsai.
Recorded live at HERE Arts Center, NYC, September 2012. To download PDF script for free, http://goo.gl/RXLQeS.
Act 1: The Activist (00:00-25:52) / Act 2: The Soldier (25:53-54:45) / Act 3: The Librarian (54:46-1:23:38)
Play Directed by Jesse Y. Jou. Video Directed / Edited by Kelly Tsai. Featuring YaliniDream, Kelly Tsai, and Adeeba Rana. Produced by Nancy Kim, Ying Le, and Andre Lancaster. Dramaturgy by Amissa Miller. Associate Directed by Devin Brain. Sound Design by Mike Skinner. Costumes by Valerie Bart. Set & Props by Chien-Yu Peng. Lighting by Alan Edwards. Stage Mgt. by John Nehlich.
Developed via Asian American Arts Alliance Call & Response at Flushing Town Hall, Poetic License Theater Festival, Hip Hop Theater Festival, & Rising Circle PlayRISE with funding by Asian Women's Giving Circle, NYU A/P/A Institute, Rising Circle Theater Company, and our 158 Kickstarter Backers. For more info, email: booking@kellytsai.com.