"Gul" (flower) A short film by Adnan Hussain (Trailer 2) from Adnan Hussain on Vimeo.
Synopsis:Screening down at Slamdance this Jan. 22, and Jan 26.
Gul, a young girl, is awakened by her mother's dying breath. She struggles to recall her past. A child's view illustrates conflicts between abuse, self determination, human rights, and the environment. Her world manifests through visual poetry. Raw, expressive, painted style computer animation is scored with masterful Sindhi Folk music from the villages of Pakistan. With all that she finds, can love create hope in the face of oppression?
Director Bio:
Adnan Hussain spent his formative years in the US and Pakistan. A childhood fascination with writing combined with a diet of comics, cartoons and books warped his brain forever, leaving him no choice but to do animation. After years of visual effects and animation work, "Gul" marks his directorial debut.
War Story:
The music for "Gul" took me to Sindh, Pakistan. False leads were hit before vital contacts made it happen. In the end, it was easy to connect the musicians to the emotions of “Gul” and the way they expressed it with music was beyond anything I could have imagined.