Last Call (at least for the year).
We’ve scheduled one more visualizAsian call before the end of the year, with publisher Lisa Lee and editor-in-chief Harry Mok of Hyphen magazine!Get it on.
If you’re not familiar with Hyphen, it’s the 7-and-a-half-year-old magazine that offers, as it says on the cover, “Asian America Unabridged.” It’s not only a fine, high-quality publication featuring strong writing and editing and graphics, it’s one of the few national print media outlets that covers Asian American issues and pop culture, and it follows in the footsteps of many now-gone magazines, starting with the late, great A magazine and including such titles as TransPacific and East-West. Other mags currently being produced include KoreAm and Giant Robot, whose editor, Eric Nakamura, we spoke to earlier this year.
Our conversation with Lisa and Harry about Hyphen will be at 7 pm PT (10 pm ET) on Wednesday, December 8. Register here if you’re new to visualizAsian (if you’ve registered before you’ll receive an email with the phone and webcast information; you don’t need to register again).