A Search For One's Past + Nisha Grayson

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Got this sent in and wanted to make sure and post it on up as it sounds like a cool project. Check out the video above, the information below, and then help them fund their project down at IndieGoGo.

You Follow A Search for Ones Past is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of You Follow A Search for Ones Past must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Our Story

YOU FOLLOW: A Search for One's Past is a documentary film that follows Nisha Grayson back to India to begin her search for her birth mother. Yes, her birth mother. Nisha was adopted from Goa 28 years ago into a beautiful American family. Since then, she has always dreamed about visiting India, who she physically resembled, and if she would ever get the chance to meet, thank, and hug the woman who gave birth to her.

Before she left to begin her search in 2009, she had no information except her mothers name and the village she was from. You would probably think those details were enough to find someone, but with keeping her safety and privacy a number one priority, Nisha was beginning her search from scratch. After a month of keeping Nisha's identity and purpose for searching disclosed from the the public, meeting with adoption lawyers, exchanging emails with former owner of the orphanage, historians, and artists, Nisha did not make any promising leads until the last couple of weeks when she met met a special family who offered their help with her search. It was then, Nisha released her anxiety and control and felt she was doing the right thing.

Now it is time to travel back to Goa to find out what has happened since Nisha left and to continue to follow the clues to finding her birth mother.

This documentary is not only following Nisha's search and personal journey back to India and the individuals met on this journey, but it is also going to touch on other adoption stories and perspectives.

The Impact

This film will not only share Nisha's personal story, but it will hopefully inspire other adoptees to explore their birth right to find their birth parents and/or birth stories. There is a lot of debate about open records in this country and whether or not adoptees have the right to know their birth families, so hopefully Nisha's personal story will give another perspective on how important it can be for one to have the tools to search for their heritage, birth story, birth families, and medical records.

With adoption awareness on the rise in the last few years, many stories have been told via films, books, and adoption conferences around the US. It is a crucial time for this film to be completed because Nisha's story touches on international adoption that took place in the early 1980's, when the adoption process, laws, education, and views were much different than they are now in the 21st century. Nisha wants to share her story at this time because it is not common for international adoptees to travel back to search.

Even if viewers are not apart of the adoption triad (adoptees, birth parents, adopting parents/families), this film can encourage those to still research their own family lineage and story to pass along to their future generations.

Since this film is a passion project for Nisha and Sharmila Ray http://cargocollective.com/saywhatfoo, this film needs to be completed one way or another. If this campaign does not meet the goal, then the producers will have a tight budget to work with. If all else fails, Nisha and Sharmila will continue to put in personal funds to complete this film. To be honest, the film will take a lot longer to finish if it is only funded with personal income.

What We Need & What You Get

The goal is to raise 20,000 dollars. Why so much you ask, well here is the deal...
The crew will consist of four talented and frugal team members that will capture the best images/footage for the film.

As of now, the American dollar is worth about 49 Rupees (Rs). As a local, that is a lot of money, but since the crew will be tourist, then they will be charged tourist rates for their hotel and transportation, which can come out to be the equivalent of American rates. Prices/estimates are based on the last trip to Goa, India in 2009.

The film crew needs help with their flight cost to the other side of the world in order to follow Nisha back to Goa. Once they are there, then they will need a safe and clean place to rest their heads and set up home base with all of their equipment. Not only that, but the film crew will need to keep their bellies full with the tastiest food. Now keep in mind that, each person can stay full with as little as five dollars a day. For transportation, the crew will rent mopeds/scooters because it will be cheaper and more convenient than renting two rickshaws everyday.

As for the equipment, what is needed to complete the most beautiful film...

Canon 7D with lens and batteries
Lighting Kit
Sound- renting vs purchasing- which ever is more cost effective
Storage- Fantom Drives/ Green Drives Pro 2TB
32 GB CF cards(3)
Film/Photo Development
Final Post Edits - Color Corrections/ Sound Mixing
Marketing - Website/ Film Festival Submission/ Misc

Please keep in mind that Brad is currently working on fiscal sponsorship so this film project will have another platform to raise money if this campaign does not reach its goal of 20,000 dollars. Every little bit helps, as a donator, you are not only putting into the production of the film, but you are also receiving special gifts in return. It is a Win, Win situation!

As you will see to your right, the gifts are AWESOME. Depending on how much you can give, you can receive a unique 5x7 photo of Goa, a stylish t-shirt you could wear everyday, a hand screened poster to hang in your livingroom, a CD to play at all of your house parties, a special edition copy of the film to share with your friends. You can also receive credit for helping the film get completed. Who wouldn't want their name viewed on a popular website or during the credits of a film that will be shown around the world? More than the physical gifts, you will receive the deepest gratitude from each and everyone of the team members. Many thank you's are sent in advanced for your time and support.