Joseph Choe VS The Trump

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Here's a quote from the Korea Times:

Joseph Choe, 17, a Harvard College student, also put Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the spot in April with a question about women who were forced to be sex slaves during World War II. During a campaign speech in New Hampshire, Trump said Korea receives free military protection from 28,500 American servicemen. "I just want to get the facts straight," Choe said during a question and answer session following the speech. Trump interrupted him to ask if he was from Korea. "I am not. I was born in Texas and raised in Colorado," Choe said. "No matter where I am from, I would like to get the facts straight. And I want to tell you that that is not true. South Korea paid $861 million."
A career in politics?

Oh yeah.