So I was reading this article down at about the new American Girl doll and while I'm still debating the Asian look of the doll...I can't help but wonder to myself why the doll can't be born in America as an Asian American doll versus born in Asia Asian American doll (note that I didn't actually see any info on her on the site in regard to where she was born - I guess it must be in the packaging).
Why even in dolls - for whatever you think it's worth or don't - why are we perpetual foreigners in some ways always having to come IN versus ALREADY EXISTING? It doesn't mean we forget about all of the great immigrants from all the Mother Lands that come to this country - including myself - but what about other people?
It'll have to do for now but in some ways it's a failed endeavor at trying to appease a real problem with the same somewhat stereotyped fiction we've seen over and over and it could just be solved with having more than one Asian/Asian American Doll.
Note: Edited after re-post as the original wasn't quite what I was trying to say.