If you are so inclined:
Last year, Little Mekong was successful in bringing vibrancy to the local Frogtown community in the evening hours by creating new opportunities for small entrepreneurs, artists, and cultural performers. The four-night initiative of Little Mekong not only opened a window into the festive night markets in Asian countries, they also fostered a space for cultural exchange between Minnesotans from all walks of life. In order to build upon the success of 2014, we need you to partner with us by offering financial help to expand and enrich this year's Night Market, which will be much bigger [...]
The Little Mekong Night Market is the Twin Cities’s only twilight Asian-inspired street market, located in the heart of the Little Mekong District -- the business and cultural section in St. Paul, MN that boasts a diversity of cultures, top rated restaurants, and unique shopping experiences. In 2014, the Night Market was held four times. There were 50 vendors and more than 200 artists and performers. The festivities brought together well over 9,000 people from all walks of life.
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Give Now To Help Keep This Awesome Event Running!
Give Now To Help Keep This Awesome Event Running!