Caught this article down at the Northwest Asian Weekly on the some of the new government funds that are going to be given out to schools to help the Asian American students who aren't born out of the womb destined for ivy league colleges (because some of us are just happy to pass a drug test):
"What it means, first of all, is that we have been approved by the Department of Education to develop best practices to help underrepresented Asian Pacific Islander students successfully complete their degree and transfer to a four-year school,” said vice president of student services Mark Mitsui. “With that comes the funding for two years to develop the initiative."The only thing about this article that made me scratch my head a little was on the Native American part of it - that's a little new.
South Seattle will receive $1.17 million its first year. After sending a progress report to the Department of Education, the school will receive an additional $1.24 million the second year. Mitsui hopes this grant will break down some stereotypes of Asians and Pacific Islanders.
“You probably have heard of the model minority myth, and the significance of the grant is the acknowledgment of the impact of the model minority myth on API students in higher education,” he said. “The stereotype is that API students don’t struggle in college when, in fact, we know that many API students do struggle if they get in at all. What’s groundbreaking is that this is the very first time that the U.S. government has acknowledged this category of need in this type of college.