What's up Wausau! This one's for you (but you probably already know about it anyway - but just in case - this is for you!)
"These Hmong sports tournaments are becoming a huge part of what it means to be a Hmong-American," said Noah Her, 24, of Wausau. "You pick up chicks, meet with friends, shop at different stores and vendors. A lot of it has roots way back in Thailand, where we come from. It's just a sense of community and bringing the community together again." The Wausau tournament is small by national standards. Tens of thousands of athletes, including Her, competed in a tournament over the July 4 weekend in St. Paul, Minn.But it's growing.And there you have it. Picking up dudes and babes and your own chance at becoming a national Hmong star.
"When I started, it was slow," said Moua, 35. "I guess it has grown about 30 percent." There's a low-key, backyard/street vibe to the tournament, but the competition is serious. Moua said first-place teams can take home as much as $2,000. "I have some friends who play volleyball every night, training," Her said. "I have friends who have ruined their shoulders from spiking the ball."
The best athletes become national stars in the Hmong community, he said.
I have no idea why I decided to use all these exclamation points in this post.