Actually purchasing a copy of People, I perused the pages to see what it had in store for API males and guess what - not really a lot. Out of the 110 or so featured men - I only counted four - yes - a whole whopping four.
Now - I'm not saying the men there shouldn't be proud to make the list - because you should (and you are some really handsome men) - but wow - only four of you?
Isn't there something called being timely in the magazine/press/journalistic world? Don't you think it would have made sense (and I'm talking to you People) to maybe at least have had someone called - I don't know - Justin Chon in those pages as well?
Didn't think New Moon would do so good at the box office?
If you're not going to be relevant at least be timely.
Aziz Ansari, Daniel Dae Kim, John Cho, And Dwayne The Rock Johnson: Apparently You're The Only Sexy API Men According To People
Thursday, November 26, 2009Labels: APA, API, Asian, Asian American