We had an opportunity to collaborate with Arowana Films and Crunchyroll.com to make a pilot for an anime news web show.
Watch the full episode at: http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-664011/anime-show-pilot
Starring Arden Cho aka Artichoke & Grace Su aka Peachies
Directed by Anson Ho - http://www.arowanafilms.com
Written by Keikawa & Michana - http://www.crunchyroll.com
Edited by Peachies
Motion Graphics by David C.P. Chan
Background Artwork by Carl Beu
Music by Lyrics Born - "Do U Buy It"
Special Thanks to George Huang & Tada Chae
Crunchyroll. Connect. Artichoke & Peachies
Monday, September 13, 2010Labels: APA, API, Asian, Asian American, YouTube