I'm just going to post this up in full from the YOMYOMF blog because really - you all need to get your ass in motion if you're going to submit your films to the awesome INTERPRETATIONS film contest.
You heard that right! The deadline to submit your short film to our INTREPRETATIONS Film Initiative is this Wednesday, Sept. 15 by 11:59 PM PST. This is it, no more extensions, so get your film in or…uh…don’t.
Once we have your films, our jury of distinguished industry professionals will view the entries and select the five that they think are the most interesting. We’ll be announcing the five finalists at this year’s San Diego Asian Film Festival during their star-studded gala dinner on the evening of October 23. Then, the following afternoon at 2 PM (Oct. 24), we’ll be screening the winning shorts for FREE (thanks to Lee Ann Kim and all the SD peeps) plus presenting a few other surprises. More info to come, but if you’re anywhere near San Diego that weekend, plan to come by and join us.
In the meantime, thanks to everyone who has submitted already and we look forward to seeing more of your work by Sept. 15. We’ve already received more than double the entries we were expecting so INTERPRETATIONS is already a huge success, but we know we can do even better. Check out all the great entries here and once you submit your film, don’t forget to let all your peeps know so they can visit your page and comment on your work. We’ll also be launching a redesign of the INTERPRETATIONS site to put more of the focus on your films so check back later this week for that.