Anna Lo, Belfast, And Death Threats

Thursday, July 02, 2009

You and I may not have a lot to do a daily basis (or anything at all for that matter) with Belfast, but you definitely have to give it up for Anna Lo who's standing her ground in the face of death threats while she speaks out against the intimidation of immigrant and minority communities who've been attacked and forced out of their homes:


Alliance Party MLA Anna Lo, who is originally from Hong Kong, told the Assembly yesterday that the police had warned her of a threat to attack her home. She also said she had received hate mail after speaking out against the attacks that forced 20 Romanian families to flee their homes in south Belfast earlier this month. Ms Lo says she will not be deterred by the threats and will continue to speak out against hatred and in support of migrant communities.
The Irish Times

She said she has stepped up her security measures following her intervention in the intimidation of more than 100 members of the Roma constituency in her constituency last month. Ms Lo has already received hate mail, but this week has been officially informed by police of increased threats from racists to her safety after new information was received at the weekend. “I’m not going to be deterred by these people,” she said. “If they think that they can stop me from speaking out against them or speaking for the vulnerable people, new ethnic minority communities or migrant workers they are mistaken”.
Hopefully she'll stay on the safe side as she keeps pushing forwarded in uniting the communities around her against the hate crimes.