Asian American Short Film Contest: DramaFever + Asian Cinevision

Friday, September 03, 2010

I'm posting this up a couple days late from when I got notice - but it's open up until September 6th - so you can still get in on the action.

DramaFever has teamed up with Asian Cinevision (ACV) to bring you a selection of the best short films from the National Film Tour of 2009′s Asian American International Film Festival (AAIFF) in New York City. Coinciding with the start of 2010′s AAIFF on July 15, DramaFever kicks off our new ACV partner page with an DramaFever Audience Favorite Short Film Award, running from now until September 6. Vote either thumbs up or thumbs down on the scorecard located on the ACV partner page. We’ll add up the thumbs up, subtract the thumbs down, and the short film that has the best ranking will be featured on the front page of DramaFever for a week in September.

To vote, you have to log in to your DF account. (If you haven’t created one, you’ll have to make one here.) Once logged in, you can vote for any short film – either thumbs up or down. Voting closes at 12pm EST, September 6. We’ll announce the winner on September 15 on the front page of DramaFever, where the winning short film will be featured for the whole week.

Start watching a great lineup of narratives and documentaries from the first and longest running film festival in the U.S. dedicated to highlighting the newest Asian filmmaking talent.
Check out the full list of films down at DramaFever.