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Kartika Review is accepting submissions for upcoming issues of our online Asian American literary magazine.
We accept: fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction (memoir, reportage, essays, letters), poetry and visual art by Asian American artists.
We are a quarterly journal We read submissions all year. Simultaneous submission are okay, but please notify us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Full submission guidelines, including the email addresses for submitting work, are available at our website:
Kartika Review serves the Asian American community and those involved with Diasporic Asian-inspired literature. We scout for compelling Asian American creative writing and artwork to present to the public at large. Our editors actively solicit contributions from established virtuosos in our community in hopes their works here will inspire the next generation of virtuosos. We also want to promote emerging writers and artists we foresee to be the future powerhouses of their craft. Ultimately, Kartika strives to create a literary forum that caters to and celebrates the wordsmiths of the Asian Diaspora.