Because It's My Fourth Year Blogging I Give You Pictures Of Me (As A Bitchin' Toddler)

Monday, May 24, 2010

It seems like just yesterday I started up this rag of a thing I call a blog and while I could make a long post of reflections I figure I'll just give you pictures of me as a toddler in B & W because that's just somehow better (I also just took photos of photos from my iPhone so you get what you get).

Where It All Began

When I see this picture I just wonder what was on the left. Was it a giant cookie? Candy Stripers? Or maybe I was just peeing myself and I felt too embarrased to look directly into the camera. While I'm hoping it was #2, or at least #1 (or who know's maybe there was a big cookie and Candy Stripers) I'm thinking most likely I was in fact probably wetting myself.

That's Just Not Flattering

Where the hell is my right arm in this picture? What's up with those knee-highs? And why the fuck wasn't my drink filled? Apparently I had reasons not to be in a good mood at the time.

I'm Not Sure What Look I Was Going For On This One

I wonder about parents when they dress their kids because if you notice not only is my shit fucked up but the worse part of it all is that the platabearduck in the middle of my shirt is wearing a MF matching ensemble and somehow - that's just wrong (and I'm also a little surprised it doesn't have a matching platabearduck on its shirt too).

Apparently It All Worked Out Though
