More On South. Phila. High

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Will this ever end?

Brown quit Thursday after The Inquirer raised questions about her lack of an active Pennsylvania principal's certificate, and just ahead of a no-confidence vote by teachers and staff.

She left a school that made national headlines Dec. 3, when groups of mostly African American students carried out a daylong series of assaults on about 30 Asians. Seven Asian students went to hospitals, and about 50 boycotted classes for a week.

The violence triggered inquiries by the Philadelphia School District, the state Human Relations Commission, and the Justice Department. Even now, despite administrators' statements to the contrary, Asian students say they remain targets of taunts, petty abuses, and outright violence.

"It's still happening," said Duong Nghe Ly, a junior from Vietnam. "It's still happening every single day at school."