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Congressman Mike Honda, DNC Vice-Chair
“As an Asian American, I spent much of my childhood in an internment camp during World War II. I know personally the challenges Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have overcome over the past century, but I am also aware of the many opportunities America offers these diverse and talented groups to thrive today. Whether they trace their heritage to Hawaii, to America’s Pacific Island territories, or to a country across the ocean, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have a unique story to tell, one that has enriched the American culture. I join President Obama and people across America in reflecting on the unique contributions of those in the AAPI community and in celebrating the millions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who today continue to reach for the American Dream.”Bel Leong-Hong, DNC Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus Chair
“This is a time not only to celebrate Asian Americans’ and Pacific Islanders’ triumphs, but also to talk about the challenges still facing Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and other Americans of diverse heritage. President Obama has begun to address many of those challenges – working hard to promote equal opportunity, educational opportunity, and economic opportunity. I welcome the support of President Obama and Congressional Democrats for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, and I look forward to their continued efforts on behalf of our community and Americans of all backgrounds. The strength of will, the motivation to succeed, and the passion of achievement are ingredients that continue to make the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities such vibrant parts of our American Society.”