Definitely check it out and support the Chinatown Youth Initiatives which is the only Manhattan Chinatown based youth focus nonprofit providing leadership training for Asian American students from age 16-18. This year marks their 10th Anniversary where they'll be having a Celebration fundraiser.
-Gloria Chan, Founder of Chinatown Youth Initiatves
-OCA-New York, Outstanding Community Leader Organization
-Corky Lee, Asian American Photographer Laureate
Event Info
-April, 20th 2010
-Red Egg Restaurant
202 Centre St. New York, NY 10013
Reception Tickets
(standing room unless otherwise noted)
-Student $50
-Non-Profit $75
-Individuals and Honorees $100
-VIP (table service) $150 *Limited Tickets
Get your tickets here!
Put in code 10Celebrate until April 3rd, 2010 to get a 10% discount on tickets.
If you would like an ad in our celebration journal or purchase a ticket via check, please e-mail our Vice-Chair Michele Lam.
Journal Ad Prices
1/4 Page: $ 300
1/2 Page: $ 500 (includes one reception ticket)
Full Page: $ 800 (includes two reception tickets)
Full Page in Premium Location: $ 1,000 (includes two VIP tickets)
Greetings in Journal (for Students)
10 words or less: $5
25 words or less: $10
Chinatown Youth Initiatives (CYI) is a youth leadership organization dedicated to providing a safe space for New York City youth, and empowering them to be agents of social change in New York's Chinatown and beyond. CYI embraces the philosophy that young people are not only tomorrow's leaders but also leaders of today, and as such, we must help develop their ideas, passions, and skills to strengthen their sense of self worth, as well as their families, communities, and ultimately, our global community. Please visit our website for more information.