Georgia City Councilman John Dowdy apparently thought it would be funny as hell to send out an e-mail with a link to the fucked up game above called Border Patrol saying:
THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes you feel better anyway, I did my part today, I kept a few from coming over!!! GET READY --- THEY AREAnd yes - big surprise - he's an old ass white guy.
This goes on all the time - we all know it - we've all seen it, heard about it - and it's just getting worse. The people are coming out in droves in our "post racial" society.
And while it's great that he's resigned and there's now a federal lawsuit in the works, you know what would happen to me if I'd circulate an e-mail as a POC with a game where you got to shoot White People?
Five words.
Patriot Act. Arrested. Terroristic Threats.