Re-Education From The Go Go 70s

Friday, February 27, 2009

Here's what I learned from watching the film Go Go 70s (directed by Choi Ho, and starring Sin Min-Ah and Cho Seung-Woo:

  • If you're in a bar and a fight breaks out between a hooker who's a little racist and a GI who's got some wife beater in him, just play "Soul Man" and everything will be groovy.
  • No one's really going to get into your music until someone who made a dress out of duct tape shows people how to dance to it.
  • In the end it doesn't matter if the government gave you a beat down, shut all the clubs, or banned all the songs you really wanted to play - if you have a guitar, a firehose, and a dream - that's all you really need.
Damn the man who made me cut my trippy locks.