KBC - TV's "The Slant"

Monday, February 09, 2009

This if for my folks out in Chicago. I got word from Jonald Reyes who did the documentary That Asian Thing about a show called "The Slant" which is looking like it's going to be pretty cool (and where he's the producer and overall watcher of "The Slant" stuff).

Here's the description from the site down at theslant.tv:

"The Slant" is AAN's answer to what's going on with Asian-America in Chicago. Catch every episode on Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. CST, and a re-broadcast at midnight on KBC-TV Channel 41, WOCH-CA.

"The Slant" is a magazine-style, entertainment & pop cultural show that features various in-depth profiles on the Asian-American experience within the Magnificent Mile city of Chicago, IL. Segment reports show cutting-edge hot spots for restaurants, bars, & clubs; organizations for young professionals; prominent Asian/Asian-American role models; and cool high-tech/video gaming info. "The Slant" also features awesome musical performances by talented Asian-American artists who are scratching their niche into people's ear buds.

If you have any news, restaurants, people, or issues you'd like "The Slant" to hit up, you can email us at:

info [at] theslant.tv
Check it out.