Is It Over? Miley Cyrus Apologizes - Again

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

While I still can't help and think to myself that more major news outlets should have gotten on this sooner - which would have resulted in the second apology actually being the first one - it is nice to see that someone made her suck it up and put out her second apology (because you know there had to be some prodding behind the scenes):

I want to thank all of my fans for their support not only this week, but always! I really wanted to stress how sorry I am if the photo of me with my friends offended anyone. I have learned a valuable lesson from this and know that sometimes my actions can be unintentionally hurtful. I know everything is a part of GOD’s ultimate plan, and mistakes happen so that eventually I will become the woman he aspires me to be. Peace and love, Miles
Is it perfect?


Do I expect more from a 16 yr-old star?

Not really.

Does it surprise me that people continually use religion to justify everything?


Am I completely sick of posting on Miley Cyrus now?
