Meg & Dia: Here, Here, And Here

Friday, February 13, 2009

When I started this blog, one of the first posts for a band with Asian Americans in it was Meg & Dia, and while I haven't posted much on them since then (they've been touring for the past couple of years) if you haven't heard their music yet you'll soon have a chance to catch their new album Here, Here, and Here which comes out in April - and from listening to the two new tracks (which you can pick up at iTunes right now) off the upcoming effort - I gotta think to myself that this could be the album that really pushes them into mainstream success.

Check out the trailer for Here, Here, and Here and then hit to their site to learn more about the upcoming album

And Just In Case You Missed Them...

Here are the two videos for their two standout tracks "Roses" and "Monster" from their first album Something Real.

